
 The truth is, Daniel... 事实是  丹尼尔

I grew up in a house just like this. 我在一所像是这样的房子里长大
I remember one night a summer storm rolled in. 记得一个夏天的夜晚风暴来袭
It was so strong, it shook the walls. 大到墙都要晃动起来
I was so scared. 我吓坏了
My father found me. 爸爸发现了我
And I remember in that moment, 我记得在那一刻
he... didn't treat me like a child. 他没有把我当作小孩子
He explained to me what thunder really was-- 他解释给我风暴是什么
just a change in temperature and pressure. 只是温度和气压的变化
He took the fear away... 驱走了我的恐惧
like he always did. 他总是这样
He sounds like a great dad. 听起来他是个好爸爸
He was the best. 最好的爸爸
It's hard for me 对于我来说  和别人
to share memories from my past, Daniel. 分享我过去的记忆不是容易的事  丹尼尔
It's even harder for me to trust. 去相信别人更是难上加难
You know, people... 你知道的  人们
think that because I lost my family, 认为因为我失去了家人