
 Yeah, sure. 当然可以

Excuse me. 先失陪了
Yeah? 什么事
We have pressing matters to discuss. 我们要讨论一些紧急事件
Go to the gallery, and I'll arrive shortly. 去画廊  我随后就到
All right? 好吗
Okay. 好
We have the windows in the foreground here. 在前面有窗户
Um, so... 这样...
uh... you can see the tone... 你能看到基调
Thank you-- of the architecture, 谢谢你  建筑的基调
And the thing I wanna show you most of all... 我最想向你展示的是
Perverse as that display may be, 抱歉让大家看到了令人恶心的一幕
we're here to discuss the sacred bond of marriage. 不过我们是来讨论神圣的结合婚姻的
Call it motherly concern, but I couldn't help but notice 算是慈母般的关心吧  我不由自主地注意到
the tension between the future bride and groom. 未来的新娘和新郎之间气氛紧张啊
So before things progress to the point of no return, 在事情发展到无法反悔之前
let me assure you, there is no shame in hitting pause 我想告诉你们  暂停一下  把事情理清楚
while you sort things out. 没什么丢人的
Well, that won't be necessary, Victoria. 没那必要  维多利亚
As a matter of fact, 其实
Daniel and I have decided on our honeymoon-- 丹尼尔和我已经决定好蜜月旅行去哪了
a weekend cruise to Nantucket for immediate family. 周末和直系亲属一起去楠塔基特岛游玩