
 I'll see you in a sec. Thanks a lot. 待会见  谢谢

Of course. Hey, see you later. 好的  等会见
Oh, hi, Aron. I'll see you. 亚伦  下次见
Hey, uh, another white? 再来一杯白酒吗
No, I'll take a red. 不  我要一杯红酒
Right away. 好的马上好
Thank you, Nols, my little lifesaver. 谢谢  小诺  你真是我的救星
Thank you, Nols, my little lifesaver. 谢谢  小诺  你真是我的救星
If it's a surprise you want, 想要惊喜
I'm more than happy to oblige. 我十分愿意效劳
There you go. 好了
Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你
Yeah, I got it. 拍好了
You're looking dashing this evening, Miss. Thorne. 你今晚真是光彩照人  索恩小姐
As are you, Mr. Mathis. 你也是  马西斯先生
Well, I see you two have made peace. 看来你们俩已经和睦共处了
We're trying, Victoria, seeing as you obviously intend 尽力而为  维多利亚  毕竟你如此明显地
on having us both in your life. 想要我们俩同时出现在你的生活中
Oh, aren't you kind? 你真是贴心啊
But don't do anything on my behalf. 不过别打着我的名号做什么事才好