
 How you must miss the grandeur of your last office. 你一定十分想念以前宽敞豪华的办公室

Oh, what we lack in space, 虽然我们地方小
we also lack in illegal activity. 但我们不干不法的勾当
You're not still going forward with Margaux? 你不打算和玛尔戈说实话吧
I told you, she's been investigating last year's events 我告诉过你  她正在调查去年的停电事件
and what happened in '93. 还有93年的事故
I took your advice and I moved on. 我听从你的建议  忘记过去  继续生活
These are for you. 这些是给你的
Since you've always fancied yourself a writer, 既然你一直标榜自己是个作家
I thought maybe you could help me brainstorm a title. 我想也许你能帮我参谋一下书的标题
Sure, but not today. I can't. I'm swamped. 好  但今天不行  我没空  工作排满了
Oh. 是嘛
And yet, you still found time to shop for organic berries. 尽管如此  你还是抽时间去买了有机浆果
Did you pick them yourself? 你亲自去买的吗
I stopped by the farmers' market. 我顺路去了农贸市场
All my years on this earth, 我活了这么多年
there is only one thing that's taken me to places 要让我去一个死都不会去的地方
I'd otherwise avoid. 只有一个理由
I was meeting a friend. 我去那见个朋友
A "friend"? "朋友"而已吗
Or an ex? 还是前任女友呢
Your mother mentioned 你母亲说
that you hired Sara to make your wedding cake. 你请了莎拉做你们的结婚蛋糕
I thought that an odd choice. 我就觉得这个决定真诡异
I'm just trying to help get her back on her feet, okay? 我只是想帮她一把而已
I owe her that much after what we put her through. 我们毕竟欠了她很多
Wow. How noble of you. 你真是品德高尚