
  She destroy city property. 她毁坏了镇上的财产

 I want her arrested. 我希望你逮捕她
 Again? 再一次
 What are you waiting for? 你在这儿等什么
 I 'm just not convinced arresting her's the right plan ... And I 'm not talking about your tree. 我只是不太确定逮捕她石膏好办法 我说的不是你的树
 We both know she did not steal those files. 你我都清楚她没偷那些病例
 Oh, do we? 哦 是吗
 I mean, she looked pretty shocked When I leveled the charges against her. 我说 我告诉她对她的指控时 她表现得很惊讶
 Gusee she does not like being caught. 可能她只是不喜欢被抓起来
 Or because she was set up. 或许她是被陷害的呢
 And if she was, that means Dr. Hopper was lying. 如果是这样 说谎的就是和普医生
 And if he's lying, that means that someone asked him to. 而如果他说谎了 那肯定是有人指示的
 Are we really confident that the man's conscience will not eventually get the best of him? 我们真的能确定他最终不会因为良心有愧而说出真话吗
 I think you schoolboy crush is clouding your judement. 我觉得你的校园情结在影响你的判断
 Remember, I made you sheriff, and I can take it away just as easily. 记住 是我让你当上警长的 所以我也能很轻易地让你失去这职位
 You want me to arrest her again, I will. 你想让我再次逮捕她 可以
 Good. 很好
 But she's going to keep coming at you, and I know you ... you 're going to keep coming at her and you will do whatever it takes to get her out of here and you may succeed. 但她还会回来找你麻烦 而且你也会不停地找她麻烦 用尽一切办法把她赶走 也许你会成功
 No, I will succeed. 不 我一定会成功
 he's my son. 亨利是我的儿子
 It's what's best for him. 这样对他才是最好的
 I know that's what you believe. 我知道你自己是这么想的
 Okay? 好吗
 But if this escalates, It seems to me the only onw who will get hurt is Henry. 但是如果你们的斗争继续升级 在我看来唯一受伤害的 是亨利