
 Just until we die. 一直到我们死

Now be a good boy and set up. 做个听话的孩子 去布置吧
Puppets! 木偶
Wow! What a great job you have! 你的工作可真是好
You don't like it? 你不喜欢吗
No. No I don't. 是啊 我不喜欢
Same show same fairs every year. 年复一年 同样的集市 同样的节目
Well then why don't you do something else? 那你怎么不做些其它事
It's just who I am. 这就是我的命吧
Well did you just come out here to watch us set up? 你是出来看我们布置场景的吗
No. I came out here to listen to the crickets. 不 我是来听蟋蟀叫的
Oh crickets. 蟋蟀
Oh I haven't listened to the crickets in a while. 我有一阵没听到蟋蟀叫了
Hey you'd better get home or you're gonna catch a cold. 你还是回家吧 不然会感冒的
So are you. Here. Have my umbrella. 你也是 给 撑我的伞
I don't live far. 我就住在附近
I can't wait to see the show! 我等不及要看演出啦
Hey Archie. 你好 阿奇
Marco what are you doing here? 马可 你来这干什么
Oh lunch. I'm sorry. I forgot. 抱歉 我忘记一起吃午饭这事了
I've got another patient. Another time? 我还有个病人 下次吧
Sure. Of course. 好 没问题
Hey. Have a good session Henry. 治疗顺利啊 亨利
Hey. 你好
Are you recruiting Geppetto for Operation Cobra? 你在邀请盖比特加入眼镜蛇行动吗
You think Marco is Geppetto? 你觉得马可是盖比特
Sure. He's Jiminy Cricket's best friend and Marco's yours. 对 他是小蟋蟀杰米尼的好朋友 而马可是你的好朋友
Henry. Henry look. 亨利 听着
We we really need to talk about this okay? 我们得讨论下这件事了
I know you're not convinced but I know where I can get proof. 我知道你不信 但我知道去哪儿找证据
What is this? 这是什么
A flashlight and candy bars? 一个手电筒 块状糖吗
Oh wait. Henry. 等等 亨利
Henry you do not want to go down there. 亨利 你不会想到那下面去的
Emma's here and stuff's happening. 艾玛在这 有事正在发生
I have to look at it. Henry. Henry stop. Stop. 我得去看看 亨利 别说了
There is no proof. 根本就没有证据
Look all of this all of this is a delusion. 这一切 所有的一切都是臆想
Do you know what a delusion is? 你知道什么是臆想吗
I I think so. 大概知道
It's something that's not real and and not healthy 就是一些不真实 不正常的想法
and and I thought that you'd outgrow this 这些已经不适合你的年龄了
but Henry you know... 但 亨利...
Now it's turned into a psychosis. 如今臆想恶化成了精神病
Do you know what a psychosis is? 你知道什么是精神病吗
That that's when you can no longer tell what's real 就是你再也无法区分什么是真实
and if that continues 如果再恶化下去
then then I have to lock you away. 我就得把你关起来了