
 I'm sorry. 对不起

I don't know what came over me how I lost my mind. 我不知道自己脑袋里在想什么 丧失理智
It's okay. 没关系
You were tired and feverish... 你很疲惫 还发着烧
and heartbroken. 而且伤透了心
I don't know why I let myself get caught up with her. 我不知道为何会让自己和她纠缠在一起
Because it was easy and safe. 因为那很容易 而且安全
Not feeling anything's an attractive option when what you feel sucks. 当你感觉痛苦的时候 最诱人的选择 就是麻醉自己的感觉
Felt that. 感觉到了
Did you think you can fool me with the heart of a stag?! 你以为用一颗鹿心就能骗到我吗
You're not going anywhere. 你哪都别想去
She doesn't deserve to die. 她不应该这样死去
That's not up to you. 你做不了主
I wanted a heart 我想要一颗心
And a heart I shall have. 一定要得到一颗心
What are you gonna do to me? 你要对我做什么
You're now mine. 你现在属于我了
My pet. 我的宠物
And this is your cage. 这是你的囚笼
From this moment forward 从现在开始
you will do everything that I say 你要对我唯命是从
and if you ever disobey me 如果你违抗我的意志
if you ever try to run away 如果你要逃跑
all I have to do is squeeze. 我只要这样一捏
Guards! 守卫
Your life is now in my hands... 你的性命掌握在我手中
Forever. 直到永远