美国小学英语教材4:第206课 圣诞欢歌(4)(在线收听

 Scrooge.  undefined

Fairy. Not until I have given you a Christmas gift. Do you know what Christmas gift you need, Ebenezer Scrooge? 仙女:我送给你圣诞礼物后,才会走。你知道你需要什么圣诞礼物吗,埃比尼泽·斯克鲁奇?
You need a kind and loving heart. I will help you get it. I am the Christmas Fairy. 你需要一颗善良、又有爱心的心。我会帮你得到它,我是圣诞仙女。
This is Christmas Eve, and I will show you Bob Cratchit's poor little home on Christmas day. 现在是圣诞节前夜,我会在圣诞节这天带你看看鲍勃·克拉特基特那破旧的小房子。
You shall see that kind and loving hearts are better than riches, and that poor Bob Cratchit is happier than you. 你将看到善良和爱心胜过财富,可怜的鲍勃·克拉特基特都比你幸福。
Scrooge. Bah! Humbug! 斯克鲁奇:呸!都是骗人的!
Fairy.  undefined
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Act II 第二幕
Time—Christmas Eve 时间—圣诞节前夜
Scene—Scrooge's Sitting-room 场景—斯克鲁奇的客厅
Persons: 人物:
Scrooge 斯克鲁奇
The Fairy 圣诞仙女
Mrs. Cratchit 克拉特基特夫人
Bob Cratchit 鲍勃·克拉特基特
The Cratchit Children: 克拉特基特的孩子:
Martha, Belinda, Peter, Fanny, Dick, Tiny Tim. 玛莎、贝琳达、彼得、范妮、迪克、小提姆。
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As Scrooge stares, he looks first surprised, then sorry, then ashamed. 斯克鲁奇盯着看,他先是惊讶,然后感到难过,最后是羞愧。
An odd change has come over the other end of the room. It looks like the kitchen of a poor home. 房间的另一端发生了奇怪的变化,它看起来像是一个穷人家的厨房。
There is an open brick fireplace, with a hook from which hangs a kettle. 房间里有个敞开的砖砌壁炉,上方有个钩子,挂着一个水壶。
A saucepan is on the hob. A table stands in the middle of the room, and some chairs are against the wall. 灶台上放着平底锅,房间中央摆着一张桌子,靠墙放着几把椅子。
Everything is very poor but very clean. All the people in the room are very poor but very clean. 一切都很破旧,但非常干净。房间里的所有人看起来都很穷,但非常干净。
The children's faces shine with much scrubbing; Mrs. Cratchit and Belinda are happy in cheap, bright ribbons. 孩子们的脸上闪耀着光泽;克拉特基特夫人和贝琳达带着色彩亮丽的便宜丝带,她们非常高兴。
Master Peter Cratchit is wearing a very high collar, his father's; he is very proud of it, but its sharp corners are always in the way. 彼得·克拉特基特的衣领很高,那是他父亲的;他对此感到非常自豪,但衣领的尖角总是很碍事。
Mrs. Cratchit, with Belinda's help, puts the cloth on the table. 克拉特基特太太在贝琳达的帮助下,把布铺在桌子上。
Master Peter Cratchit plunges a fork into the saucepan of potatoes, his big collar getting into his mouth as he does so. 彼得·克拉特基特把叉子放进熬着土豆的炖锅中,他的大衣领也跑进嘴里了。
Fanny and Dick come tearing into the room and dance about the table.] 范妮和迪克跑进屋里,围着桌子手舞足蹈。]