英语听力精选进阶版 14789(在线收听

English at Work 白领英语 

Episode 20: Team meeting 团队会议 

Setting an agenda for a meeting 




Narrator:  欢迎回到 Tip Top 贸易公司。  马上就要开会了,可是  Paul 迟到了。他让  Anna 来


Denise:  Here you go Anna, it's a print-out of the agenda for the meeting. 

Anna:  Thank you. Oh dear, I'm  not sure if I know the right words to start 


Narrator:  Well, 你可以说: 

  谢谢大家今天到场. Thank you for coming.    

  今天会议日程上有5项内容。There  are five items on the agenda today.  

Anna:  Items? 

Narrator:  比较正式的英语,意思和  'things'  一样。需要一项一项列出来: 

  第一点 Firstly, 第二点 secondly, 然后是 after that, 接着是 and then, 最后 


Anna:  Yes, that's easy. 

Narrator:  会议结束前一般会有问  'any other business.' 

Anna:  Any other business? 

Narrator:  对了,除了日程上提到的,还有没有什么其它事情需要讨论的?我想  Tom 肯定想吹

捧一下自己的能力,Denise 可能想说说她的新的理发师。然后会议也就可以结束了,

你可以说 Let's wrap up 我们可以结束了. 

Anna:  To wrap up. Okay, I'll  do my  best. Oop, it's time,  everyone is gathering. 

  (Sound of shuffling,  chairs being moved,  quiet pre-meeting  chitchat 

between staff.) 

Anna:  Thank you. Thank you for coming.  Paul will be here soon, but he asked me 

to start the meeting.  There are (counting to herself) one, two, three, four 

items on the agenda today. 

  Firstly, the stock management  systems. Secondly, plans for a team-building  activity (collective groan). After that, the colour of our new apples 

and finally  any other business, before we can wrap up. 

Paul:  (arriving)  Oh golly gosh, there you are, here I am, good. Hello  everyone. 

Sorry I'm  late. 

Anna:  I'd just opened the meeting. 

Paul:  Great. Remind  me  what the first item  on the agenda is? 

Anna:  Stock.  

Paul:  Stock, stock and stock. Ah yes, stock management  systems. Yes, right. 

Well that's mainly  to announce that we need to start developing  a good 

stock management  system. So we can meet the huge demand  I am 

expecting for these laser-curve fruits. Anna, I'd like  you to lead on that.  

  (quiet murmur  of surprise) 

Anna:  Me? You want me  to be in charge of the stock management  systems? 

Paul:  Anna's had some excellent ideas already  and I think  she'll  do a great job. 

For these new fruits, stock control would  be key to supplying  our 

customers laser-curve oranges, laser-curve lemons,  laser-curve (fade out). 

Narrator:  这对 Anna 来说是好消息,  不过她可真的是付出了努力。她主持了成功的会议。让我


Anna:  Thank you for coming. 

  There are four items on the agenda today. 



    After that... 


    And finally... 

    Any other business. 

    And then we can wrap up. 

Narrator:  现在我们可以结束了。  Well, time  for me to wrap up too. 我们下期节目再会! 


?  Listening Challenge  听力挑战 

What was the second item on the agenda for today's meeting?   


Answer: Plans for a team-building activity. 

