英语听力精选进阶版 15125(在线收听

English at Work 

Episode 31: Sign on the dotted line 

Language for project management 

Anna:   Help, help! (Banging on door)  

Tom:  Help us! We're locked in. 

Narrator:   Oh dear. Do you remember that Tom and Anna are locked in the stationery 

cupboard? What are they going to do? And what will people say when they 

are discovered in there? I have a feeling we're about to find out…  

Denise:  Goodness, what's that? Anna is that you? And is that you Tom? 

Anna:  Yes, help! We're locked in. 

Denise:  Don't panic, I've got the key (unlocks door). There. How on earth… 

Tom:  …it's not how it looks Denise. We were just… erm… 

Anna:  …just looking for envelopes. 

Denise:  Really?!  

Anna:  Yes, yes, really. The door slammed shut and locked from the inside when 

Tom walked in. 

Tom:  Yeah, she's right. Just walked in, and shut the door and bang. 

Denise:  Hmm. Let's just keep it our little secret shall we. (Aside to Anna) I thought 

you had better taste Anna!  

Paul:   Ah there you are Anna, I need a word with you… Oh, you look like you've 

been caught doing something you shouldn't! Ha ha. 

Anna:  …but I haven't.  

Paul:  Just joking Anna. Now could you step in to my office, we need to touch 

base about the European marketing strategy.  

Anna:  Are we playing baseball?!  

Narrator:  No Anna! Touch base. He wants to catch up with you, probably to see how 

you're getting on. Go on Anna, let's see what he has to say. 

Anna:  Oh I see. (Office door shuts) That door doesn't lock does it? 

Paul:  No, I don't think so. Right Anna. Biscuit? These new peanut ones are quite 

nice. So how are things with the project? 

Anna:  Well, I've done some cold calling and have an order from a company in 


Paul:  I see. Very impressive but have they signed on the dotted line yet? 

Anna:  The dotted line? 

Paul:  Have they actually signed the contract yet? 

Anna:  Well, no, but… 

Paul:  …that's the problem. There's a rival company who's also targeting the 

European market called Tutti Fruity - and they'll do anything to steal our 


Anna:  Oh I see. 

Paul:  So, to keep our head above water, we need a clear strategy… and that's 

why I've put you in charge. So what shall we do? 

Narrator:  I've a feeling Paul hasn't a clue – that's why he wants you to come up with 

the ideas. 

Anna:  I think you're right – but I don't know what to say. 

Narrator:  Tell him we need to price the rivals out of the market, that means offer the 

lowest prices so nobody wants to buy plastic fruit from our rivals. You could 

say that we need to corner the market, that means Tip Top Trading 

dominates the plastic fruit market.  

Anna:  Oh, thanks. That's very useful. 

Paul:  So Anna, any thoughts? 

Anna:  Lots Paul. I think we've got to compete on price. 

Paul:  Oh yes? 

Anna:  We need to price Tutti Fruity out of the market. We need to corner the 

market so that everyone knows we are the best choice for good quality, 

good value plastic fruit. 

Paul:  I like it! 

Anna:  And… and… 

Narrator:  Tell him we need to build good relationships with our customers – that 

means we give them good service.  

Anna:  …we need to build good relationships with our customers. Talk to them 

regularly, send them gifts… go and meet them face to face. 

Paul:  Face to face? Yes, great idea – just what I was thinking. If we follow this 

strategy I reckon there could be a bonus for us all by Christmas. 

Narrator:   Well done Anna. Very convincing. If you can put your ideas into practice 

you'll save the company. Let's remind ourselves of the words you used to 

create the European marketing strategy…  

We've got to compete on price.  

We need to price the rivals out of the market.  

We need to corner the market. 

We need to build good relationships with our customers. 

Narrator:  Well, things seem to be going well for Anna… or are they? 

Denise:  Anna! Anna! That man from France has called again and left a message. 

He's not happy this time. Something about us trying to rip them off! 

Anna:  What? Rip them off? 

Denise:  It means over charging them or giving them poor quality goods. 

Anna:  That's not fair. I'm going to have to sort this out. 

Narrator:  That's it Anna – go and build a good relationship with your customer! Bye 

for now. 

Listening Challenge:  

Paul tells Anna he wants to touch base, what does he mean?  

(Answer: To catch up and discuss how things are going) 
