英语听力精选进阶版 16876(在线收听


WBR: Greece on charm offensive in Europe 02 Feb 2015

Mon, 2 Feb 15

Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis is drumming up support for debt relief. But BBC economics editor Robert Peston tells us why a failure to secure changes might have dire consequences for Greece and the rest of the eurozone. Also in the programme, Gary Hufbauer of the Peterson Institute for International Economics explains how anti-tax avoidance campaigners have a powerful new ally in the US, President Barack Obama. The Raspberry Pi gives children the chance to code and build their own computer. And as a new, faster version is unveiled, founder Eben Upton talks about the success of his modest product. Plus, strumming in to the big time: Tony Bonsignore reports on why sales of the ukulele are soaring. And our regular commentator Lucy Kellaway muses on the merits, or otherwise, of being a middle manager.
