2019年经济学人 一周要闻 沃尔玛停售手枪弹药 优步股价创新低 互联网公司爆隐私丑闻(在线收听


Uber’s share price hit a new low ahead of the expected passage of a bill in California that would reclassify the employment status of the company’s drivers in the state from contractor to employee, a threat to its low-labour-cost business model.


Walmart decided to stop selling ammunition that can be used in military-style weapons and handguns. The retailer has come under pressure to do more to curb gun sales since last month’s mass shooting at one of its stores in El Paso. This week a gunman murdered seven people at random in west Texas. Walmart stopped selling handguns in the 1990s and semi-automatics in 2015, but the latest surge in shootings has led to calls for parents to boycott its stores in the back-to-school season.


A key ally of Muhammad bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s crown prince and de facto ruler, was put in charge of Saudi Aramco. The promotion of Yasir al-Rumayyan to chairman makes the on-off ipo of the state oil company more likely; it could come as early as next year.

沙特王储、实际统治者穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼的主要盟友被任命掌管沙特阿美(Saudi Aramco)。亚西尔·鲁迈扬(Yasir al-Rumayyan)晋升为董事长,使这家国有石油公司更有可能进行断断续续的上市事宜;上市最早可能于明年实现。

Nickel prices soared to five-year highs after the Indonesian government brought forward a ban on exports of nickel ore to December, two years earlier than it had proposed. The metal is used in stainless steel and increasingly in batteries for electric cars, an industry which Indonesia wants to develop domestically.


A web of intrigue


There were more privacy scandals involving internet companies. Google was fined $170m in America for illegally collecting data from child users on its YouTube site in order to target them with ads. And a two-year hacking campaign was uncovered (by Google’s researchers) that tapped into text messages and photos on hundreds of thousands of iPhones. As a reminder that no one is immune, the Twitter account of Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s boss, was briefly hijacked; a number of offensive messages and a bomb threat were tweeted out.

涉及互联网公司的隐私丑闻越来越多。谷歌在美国被罚款1.7亿美元,原因是该公司在其YouTube网站非法收集儿童用户的数据,目的是向他们投放广告。(谷歌的研究人员)还揭露了一项为期两年的黑客活动,该活动窃听数十万部iphone手机上的短信和照片。提醒大家,没有人能幸免,就连推特老板杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)的账户也曾被短暂盗号;在推特上发布了一些攻击性言论和炸弹威胁。
