2019年经济学人 约翰逊语言专栏--政治对语言的影响(3)(在线收听


The evolution of insults is the subject of Philip Gooden’s new book, “Bad Words”. He recounts in one neat reversal the turn in the history of invective. The Sun, a British tabloid, was once in the habit of outing gay people, and even publicly defended its use of “poof” in doing so (because, the paper argued, its readers used the word, too). How times change. After abandoning the practice of outing in 1998, in 2018 the paper led a campaign to track down a bus-driver who called a reality-show star a “poofter”. What it once considered lighthearted banter is now verboten homophobia.


Not everyone is happy with this modulation in the unacceptable. Some think it is a humourless and thin-skinned world that can’t handle a risqué dig now and again. Those purported stalwarts of robust free speech have inaugurated a new catalogue of insults: the “snowflake” who can’t take the heat; the “libtard” who can’t think beyond progressive dogma; the “social-justice warrior”, once a term applied by left-leaning types to themselves, now appropriated as a smear.

并不是每个人都乐意接受这种调制方式。有些人认为,这是一个缺乏幽默感、脸皮薄的世界,无法应对时不时的下流挖苦。那些所谓的自由言论的中坚分子开创了一个新的侮辱目录:不能承受压力的“雪花”; 不能超越进步教条的“自由主义者”;“社会正义战士”,这个曾经被左倾分子用来形容他们自己的词,现在被用作诽谤。

Such people consider themselves “redpilled”, named after the red pill in “The Matrix” that allows characters to see the world as it truly is. When Hillary Clinton, running for president, unwisely referred to some Americans as “deplorables”, some of her critics embraced that term as a badge of honour—an ironic stance meant to contrast with their supposedly po-faced adversaries.


In a less buttoned-up age, some venerable slurs are in decline. Less happily, they are being superseded by tags based on identity politics. “Deplorables” versus “snowflakes”: in place of the old neuroses, the new lexicon of insults captures worrying divisions.

