国家地理 耶路撒冷神圣地(在线收听) |
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Since the 4th century AD, it's been the holiest shrine in Christianity. Many Christians believe this is Golgotha where Jesus was crucified. But the majestic church contains another traditional site of utmost veneration- the tomb of Christ where the New Testament says He was buried and rose again. 圣墓教堂。自公元4世纪以来,它一直是基督教中最神圣的圣地。许多基督徒认为这就是耶稣被钉在十字架上的地方。但是庄严的教堂里还有另一个传统最受尊敬的地方--基督的坟墓,新约中说基督在那里被埋葬并再次复活。 Within sight of the church the Muslim Noble Sanctuary, Haram al-Sharif, a complex of holy shrines begun in the 7th century AD, crowned by the hallowed Dome of the Rock. This is where Muslims believe Mohammed ascended to Heaven. 在教堂的视线范围内,穆斯林神圣的圣殿,“崇高圣所”,一个复杂的圣地,它始于公元7世纪,以神圣的圆顶的岩石覆盖。这就是穆斯林相信穆罕默德升入天堂的地方。 Under the great golden dome is the rock that is holy to Islam, Judaism and Christianity, dating back to the earliest Bible stories that formed the foundations of all three religions. 在巨大的金顶下,是伊斯兰教、犹太教和基督教的神圣岩石,最早的圣经故事构成了三种宗教的基础。 There are three religions which is very large portion of the world's population, for which this spot Haram al-Sharif or the Temple Mount is at the center of Jerusalem and Jerusalem is perceived as being God's City, God's Mountain. The heightened sense of God's presence in this place exists in all three religions. 三种宗教占世界人口的很大一部分,这里是“崇高圣所”或“圣殿山”,位于有“上帝之城”、“上帝之山”之称的耶路撒冷的中心。在三种宗教中,都相信上帝存在于这个地方。 Jews call the Noble Sanctuary the Temple Mount. Remarkably, this same rock was also the site of their two most sacred temples, centuries earlier. 犹太人称圣殿为“圣殿山”。值得注意的是,早在几个世纪前,同样的岩石也是两个最神圣的庙宇的所在地。 A tantalizing fragment from the immense second temple complex still stands, forming the southwest perimeter of the Noble Sanctuary: The Western Wall or Wailing Wall. For Jews, it is the holiest site in Jerusalem, a symbol of their ancient homeland. 巨大的第二圣殿建筑群中的一块美丽的碎片仍然矗立着,形成了神圣圣殿的西南边界:西墙或哭墙。对犹太人来说,这是耶路撒冷最神圣的地方,是他们古老家园的象征。 It's holy. It's a holy place for us and we respect the wall. We feel a special feeling. We feel near to God. 它是神圣的。它是我们的圣地,我们尊敬的城墙。我们有一种特殊的感觉。我们觉得与神亲近。 Of Jerusalem's three most sacred sites, only one is holy to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. All three faiths share stories that tie the sacred mountain to each religion and tie the religions to each other. 在耶路撒冷三个最神圣的地点中,只有一个是犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教的圣地。这三种信仰都有各自的故事,将圣山和各自的宗教联系在一起。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/gjdl/496460.html |