国家地理 我们为什么说谎(1)(在线收听) |
In the fall of 1989, Princeton University welcomed into its freshman class a young man named Alexi Santana, whose life story the admissions committee had found extraordinarily compelling. 在1989年秋天,普林斯顿大学新生班上迎来了一位名叫亚历克西·桑塔纳的年轻人,招生委员会发现他的人生故事非常引人注目。 He had barely received any formal schooling. He had spent his adolescence almost entirely on his own, living outdoors in Utah, where he'd herded cattle, raised sheep, and read philosophy. Running in the Mojave Desert, he had trained himself to be a distance runner. 桑塔纳几乎没有接受任何正规学校教育。他将自己的青春期近乎完全“耗”在了犹他州的户外活动中:在那里养牛、放羊、读哲学,在莫哈韦沙漠跑步,将自己训练成一名长跑运动员。 Santana quickly became something of a star on campus. Academically too he did well, earning A's in nearly every course. His reserved manner and unusual background suffused him with an enigmatic appeal. When a suite mate asked Santana how his bed always seemed to be perfectly made, he answered that he slept on the floor. It seemed perfectly logical that someone who had spent much of his life sleeping outdoors would have no fondness for a bed. 桑塔纳很快就成了校园里的明星。在学术上他也做得很好,几乎在每一个课程中都得了A。 他的矜持举止和不寻常的背景让他充满了神秘的吸引力。 一次桑塔纳的室友问他,为什么他的床铺总是那么整洁完美,他回答说,因为他睡在地板上。 那些大部分时间在户外休憩的人都不会喜欢睡在床上,这似乎完全符合逻辑。 Except that Santana's story was a lie. About 18 months after he enrolled, a woman recognized him as somebody she'd known as Jay Huntsman at Palo Alto High School in California six years earlier. But even that wasn't his real name. Princeton officials eventually learned that he was actually James Hogue, a 31-year-old who had served a prison sentence in Utah for possession of stolen tools and bike parts. He was taken away from Princeton in handcuffs. 桑塔纳的故事不仅仅是个谣言,还另有隐情。在他入学的18个月以后,一位女士认出了他——他是6年前在加利福尼亚帕洛阿尔托高中的一个名叫杰·亨斯迈的人--尽管这也不是他的真名。普林斯顿官员最终获悉,他实际上叫詹姆斯·霍格,当时31岁,曾因为拥有被盗的工具和自行车零件而在犹他州服刑。最终他被拷上了手铐带离了普林斯顿。 In the years since, Hogue has been arrested several times on theft charges. In November, when he was arrested for stealing in Aspen, Colorado, he tried to pass himself off as someone else. 在之后的几年里,霍格因为偷盗又被捕了几次。11月,当他在科罗拉多州的阿斯彭因偷窃而被捕时,他试图以别人的身份逃脱。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/gjdl/496539.html |