英语新闻听写 三星GALAXY S7遭泄密(在线收听

Although Samsung will likely unveil its next flagship Android smartphone, the Galaxy S7, at Mobile World Congress next month, we may already know what it looks like.

下月“世界移动通信大会”,三星有望发布新款安卓手机Galaxy S7,但就在公布之前,概念设计图案遭泄密。

If newly leaked press images of the unreleased phone are correct, it'll look very similar to the Galaxy S6.

若泄密图像属实,那么从外形上看,Galaxy S7与Galaxy S6相似。

The GS7 is said to come in two screen sizes.


The 5.1-inch model will have a flat screen and the larger 5.5-inch model "S7 Edge" will have the curved screen that we saw on the S6 Edge and S6 Edge+.

5.1英寸将配备平板显示器,5.5英寸S7 Edge将拥有S6 Edge和S6 Edge+相同的弯曲屏。
