2019年CRI 现代农业园区增加了广东农民的收入(在线收听) |
Li Weiting is one of the farmers in Huizhou who has partnered with Haina Agriculture Company to raise fish in his rice paddy fields in-between cropping seasons. He's currently raising around 300,000 fish on 40 hectares of land. Li said the company provides the money to cover the cost of raising the fish, and they give him a base payment of 5,000 yuan a month. On top of that, the company gives him a 20% share of their profit from selling the fish. Before he partnered with Haina Agriculture, he used to work the land by himself. It was hard work, with low pay. But now he has a guaranteed income and he was able to buy a car for his family. Li said that the success of the business stems from the company's modern management techniques. "I prefer this management model, because the land is always looked after. When the rice has been harvested, we pump water into the fields to raise the fish. After the autumn harvest, we can still raise fish in the winter." This model of farm management, which combines planting and aquaculture, not only has an economic benefit; it also improves the environmental sustainability of the farms. As well as rice and fish, ducks, frogs, and turtles are some of the other animals that can be raised in this kind of aquaculture farm. The leftovers from the rice crop provide an abundant natural source of food for the animals, along with a good habitat. And the animals help to clear weeds and pests from paddy fields, and their waste fertilizes the soil for the next crop of rice. As well as paddy farming, the farm also grows guava, and under the guava trees live flocks of ducks and geese. Zhong Zhenfang is the chairman of Haina Agriculture. He said this new model of farming brings in double the income of traditional single-crop farming. "Paddy fields used to be high-yielding, but now we generally control it to with 350 kilograms. The purchase price of paddy rice is now 6 yuan per kilogram. If we have two harvests a year, then the output is 700 kilograms. That's our income from rice. It is actually more profitable to raise fish. You can raise 100 kilograms of yellow croaker three times a year in a 667-square-meter field. Now, the market purchase price is no less than 40 yuan per kilogram. We also grow fruit in the paddy fields. So, in total, we can earn 10,000 yuan." After spending many years working with many domestic agricultural research institutes, Haina Agriculture set up its own research institutes in 2017. Lu Huazhong is the president of the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. He's also the leading member of their research team. "A modern agricultural industrial park pays attention to the integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. The primary industry is planting, which is based on organic rice production and an efficient production model. This technology was mastered by Haina Agriculture with our help. The secondary industry is processing. In addition to rice processing, there are other by-products, which we helped them to develop. As for the tertiary industries, they combine agriculture with tourism, turning rice fields into parks." Haina Agriculture began incorporating tourism into its business model in November 2017. So far, more than 300,000 tourists have visited their fields. Guangdong Province plans to launch 150 modern agricultural parks in three years, with the goal of raising the quality of the local agriculture industry. 100 sites have already been chosen. For CRI, this is Wang Longyan. 李伟庭是是惠州其中一名与海纳农业有限公司合作的农户,在种植季节之间在稻田里养鱼。目前他在40公顷土地里养了约30万尾鱼。 李伟庭说,养鱼的资金全部由公司承担,自己每个月能拿5000元的底薪。此外公司还会把养鱼利润的20%分给他。 他在与海纳农业合作之前,自己也种过地,辛苦不说还挣不到钱,现在生活有了保障,家里还买了车。 李伟庭说,成功源于公司的现代化管理模式。 “他现在这样的管理模式我是比较喜欢,因为他这个田是不会空下来的,没有清闲的时候,稻谷割完,我们就放水,鱼就在那个田里面。冬天的时候,秋收完了,还是水,还是鱼。” 这一现代化种养模式将种植业和养殖业有机结合,不仅具有经济效益;还改善了农场环境的可持续性。 在种养基地的农田里,除了水稻,还有鱼、鸭、蛙、鳖等养殖生物,水稻为动物提供了丰富的天然饵料和良好的栖息条件,而这些动物既能清除稻田中的杂草和害虫,其排泄物还能增加稻田肥力。 除了稻田养殖,基地还种有成片的番石榴,番石榴树下也有成群结队欢叫着觅食的鸭、鹅。 钟振芳是海纳农业有限公司董事长。他说,相比之前单一的种植模式,这种新的种植模式将收益提高了一倍还不止。 “稻田原来是要高产,现在我们一般控制在350公斤以内,稻谷现在收购价是6块钱一公斤,按一年两季计算就是700公斤,这是我们水稻的收益。那我们养的收益就高了,黄花鱼那块一年可以三造,稻田一亩(三造合计)可以养200斤,现在收购价市场上不低于40块每公斤。我们稻田里还有果,这样加起来大概就是1万块钱。” 海纳农业长期与国内多所农业科研院所开展合作,在2017年还成立了自己的科研机构。 陆华忠是广东农业科学院院长。他也是海纳农业专家团队的主要成员。 “现代农业产业园讲究一二三产业融合,一产就是种植,按照有机稻生产模式,按照高效生产方式种植。这个技术在我们的帮助下海纳公司基本掌握了。二产是加工,水稻加工成稻米以外,其它的副产品的综合利用,这块儿就是我们帮他开发的。三产方面,他们把‘农旅结合’,把稻田变成了公园。” 海纳农业有限公司于2017年11月将旅游业纳入其商业模式。至今接待游客达30万人次。 广东省计划用三年时间在全省创建150个省级现代农业产业园,目标是引领农业向更高质量发展。目前已完成了100个省级产业园的申报认定工作。 CRI新闻,王龙妍(音译)报道。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/crizggjgbdt2019/497904.html |