
AMNA NAWAZ: And now to our NewsHour Shares. It's graduation season, the time of year when politicians, artists, and other leaders impart advice, and sometimes humor, on the latest crop of young adults eager to take on the world. Here are some highlights.

JOHN KRASINSKI, Actor: I would like to start here today by addressing the parents of the class of 2019.

JOHN KRASINSKI: And to you, I would like to say, I hear you. Don't worry. I have already had the T-shirts made up. My kid just graduated from Brown, and all I got was the dude from The Office'?

BILL NYE, Science Communicator: Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't, everyone. Cooks know how to use copper bowls to control egg proteins, and that's cool.

BILL NYE: Respect that knowledge and learn from others. It will bring out the best in them, and it will bring out the best in you.

DONALD TRUMP, President of the United States: Today, you take the controls. You're going to push it up and chart your course across the sky. Keep the wings level and true, because your country is sending you on a vital mission.

JENNIFER GARNER, Actor: There is no moment when you're just supposed to be happy. While you wait for those moments, while you wait for the perfect job, the MCAT score, the engagement ring, your life is happening. And isn't it enough? Happiness is your own responsibility, so attack it.

TIM COOK, CEO, Apple: Steer your ship into the choppy seas. Look for the rough spots, the problems that seem too big, the complexities that other people are content to work around. It's in those places that you will find your purpose.

CYNDI LAUPER, Musician: Life is going to give you a bad turn. It's a test. It's just a test. And look at all the tests you passed just to get here.

KRISTEN BELL, Actor: When you listen as fiercely as you want to be heard, when you respect the idea that you are sharing the Earth with other humans, and when you lead with your nice foot forward, you will win, every time.

HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, Former U.S. Secretary of State: You are living witnesses to one of the most important lessons in life. It is not whether you get knocked down. It's whether you get back up and keep going.

YAMICHE ALCINDOR: Maybe someone will tell you, like someone told me, that you're not confident enough to be a reporter. Maybe someone will call your hair wacky, like someone told me in a newsroom. Maybe someone will question your career choices or who you choose to love or where you choose to live. But I say, press forward.

JOHN KRASINSKI: Lean all the way in. Take chances. Fail big and take chances again. And, remember, before you do something special, just do something.

OPRAH WINFREY, Producer/Philanthropist: You will volunteer. You will vote. You will shout out. You will help. You will lend a hand. You will offer your talent and your kindness however you can, and you will radically transform whatever moment you're in, which leads to bigger moments.

ROBERT SMITH, Philanthropist: And most important of all, whatever it takes, never, ever forget to call your mother.

ROBERT SMITH: And I do mean call, don't text. Texts don't count.

LESLIE ODOM JR., Actor/Singer: I place my faith in the highest possible intentions in all things these days, in raising my kid, in choosing my projects, recording music, in making speeches that I suspect will be forgotten. I hope you will do the same. We have so much work to do, class of 2019. Thank you so much.

















