看老友记学英语 能问闪电侠中最强的是谁?(在线收听) |
Chandler: Oh, come on. You told me about the last dream. 快,你已告诉我昨晚的梦。 Rachel: No, forget it. 不,死了这条心的。 Chandler: Oh, why not. Was I doing anything particularly... saucy? 为什么?难道是梦中的我对你过于粗鲁? Rachel: All right, fine. Um, you were not the only one there. Joey was there too. 好吧,不仅你在场,Joey也在场。 Joey: All right. 好的。 Ross: Was there...uh, huh, huh, huh... andybody, anybody else there. 还有......其他人吗? Rachel: No. 没了。 Ross: You're sure? Nobody uh, handed out uh, mints or anything? 你确定?旁边没人蠢蠢欲动? Rachel: No, it was just the three of us. 没有,只有我们三个。 Ross: Huh! 啊。 Joey: So, tell me. Was it like you and Chandler, and then you and me, or you and me and Chandler? 是你跟Chandler之后再跟我,还是我们三个同时? Rachel: You know what? 你知道吗? Joey: What? 什么? Rachel: There were times when it wasn't even me. 有几次甚至没有我。 Phoebe: That is so sweet, you guys. 真好。 Ross, Rachel, and Phoebe: Hey, Mon. Monica…… Rachel: Mon, Ethan called again. Mon? Ethan又来电了。 All: Monica… Monica…… Monica: What? 什么事? Rachel: Ethan called again. Ethan又来电了。 Monica: Oh. 喔。 Ross: You're not seeing him anymore? 你不想再见到他了? Monica: No. You know, sometimes just things doesn't work out. 你知道,有些事情无法勉强的。 Chandler: And this has nothing to do with the fact that he needs a note to get out of gym. 这跟他需要假条才能离开学校无关? Rachel: I, I didn't say any... I sw... I did not say anything, I swear. He stopped by. 我什么都没说,我发誓,他只是顺路过来。 Joey: Listen, the next time you talk to him, could you ask him which one the strongest Power Ranger is? 下回见到他时,能问闪电侠中最强的是谁? Ross: Oh, yeah. 好。 Monica: Ha,ha, ha, oh my life is just so amusing. Could we drop it now? 我的生活简直是太多采多姿了。可以换个话题吗? Joey, Chander, and Ross: Sorry. 对不起。 Ross: It's morphin time! 现在是变身时刻! Joey: Stegosaurus! 剑龙! Chandler: Tyrannosaurus! 暴龙! Phoebe: Ooh, oh, I've gotta go. Whoa, oh, head rush. One more, and then I have to go. Cool! 我得走了。噢,头晕。再一回我就得走了。酷! |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/klyjxyy/498456.html |