美联社新闻一分钟 AP 密歇根成为民主党初选重点州(在线收听

Tonight is really important because it's our first chance to see Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders in a head to head contest. They are the only two on the ballot in these six states that are voting. And both of them, for months, more than a year, really have been making an argument about electability. Both claiming that they are the best positioned Democrat to be able to defeat Donald Trump. And we all know that that is the only thing that Democrats really care about in this contest is defeating Donald Trump in November. Michigan is a state that Democrats have been talking about for three and a half years ever since Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in a real upset there in the general election. Bernie Sanders won Michigan in the 2016 Democratic primary. That was an upset for him. Joe Biden thinks that this is the state where he can show, hey, I'm the one that can get back some of those white working-class voters in Michigan. I'm the one that can ramp up turnout among African-American voters in Detroit. This will be a real opportunity for both of them to make that case to voters should they come out on top.


There is a real question about momentum. If you were Bernie Sanders at Super Tuesday was a disappointment. Yes -- you won California the largest prize, but you didn't win it in that big, overwhelming way that you were hoping to. You need a good night to be able to prove to Democrats that you are still in the mix here, that you still have some of that same energy and enthusiasm from your 2016 campaign. If he doesn't win multiple states, probably tonight, those questions get a lot more challenging for him, especially as we look ahead to March 17th, the next round of big primaries where you have several states, most notably Florida, that are not lining up particularly well for Bernie Sanders."

