2020年经济学人 巴托比职场专栏--帮助刑满释放犯减少再犯罪(2)(在线收听

Around 40% of people at the Televerde corporate o?ce are ex-prisoners. Some released on Friday start work there the next Monday. One former inmate, Michelle Cirocco, who has been with the company for 21years, has held high executive positions, in charge of marketing and corporate social responsibility.


Not everyone who worked for Televerde while inside will ?nd a job at headquarters when they leave. But the skills they learn are still useful; a study by Arizona State University shows that 94% of exTeleverde workers have jobs after ?ve years, earning 3.7 times the average wage for former convicts. In Ohio Dan Meyer runs Nehemiah Manufacturing, which was created ten years ago speci?cally to hire what he calls “second-chance citizens”—not just prisoners but people with a history of drug and alcohol abuse, and those from homeless shelters. The company licenses small brands from multinationals such as Pampers Kandoo, a line of products for toddlers. It employs 180 people, of whom 130 are in the “second chance” category.

并不是所有在服刑期间为 Televerde 工作过的人在出狱后都能获得总部的工作。但他们学到的技能仍然有用;亚利桑那州立大学的一项研究显示,94%的前Televerde员工在工作五年后仍有工作,他们的工资是有前科者平均工资的3.7倍。在俄亥俄州,达恩·迈尔经营着一家名为Nehemiah Manufacturing的公司,该公司成立于十年前,专门雇佣他所谓的“二次公民”——不仅是囚犯,还包括有吸毒和酗酒史的人,以及那些来自流浪者收容所的人。该公司从 Pampers Kandoo 等跨国公司获得小品牌授权。Pampers Kandoo是专为幼儿设计的产品系列。它雇佣了180人,其中130人属于“第二次机会”类别。

Mr Meyer found that getting a job is not the only challenge for those released from prison. They also need help with housing and child care, which is why Nehemiah has employed three social workers. New staff are initially hired for three to six months and around 30-40% drop out in that period. But once they are hired full-time, the turnover rate is only 15%, which he says is low by industry standards. Many of the workers have drug-related problems and the company operates random drug-testing. If employees fail a test, they are o?ered rehab.


Nehemiah cannot employ all of Ohio’s second-chancers. So Mr Meyer created the Beacon of Hope business alliance. In total, the alliance has 80 members, including Kroger, a supermarket chain. Collectively, they have hired 600 vulnerable people.


Writing individuals off for life is not just callous. It also is economically ine?cient. Society will be better if more jailbirds ?nd jobs—be they those released early because of covid-19 or those still serving time.

