福克斯新闻 《教父》男星阿历克斯罗克去世 享年79岁(在线收听

《教父》男星阿历克斯罗克去世 享年79岁

He had a small part in “The Godfather” but it was memorable…Character actor Alex Rocco has died.


Rocco also voiced the cigar smoking studio head of Itchy & Scratchy on “The Simpsons” and played Jennifer Lopez's father in“The Wedding Planner”.

罗克也曾经为《辛普森一家》Itchy & Scratchy雪茄工作室负责人献音并且还曾在《婚礼策划师》中饰演过詹妮弗·洛佩兹的父亲。

He won an Emmy in 1990 for the short lived Jon Cryer sitcom “The Famous Teddy Z”.

1990年,他凭借CBS情景喜剧《The Famous Teddy Z》荣膺艾美最佳男配角奖。

Alex Rocco was 79.

