美国有线新闻 CNN 新冠病毒可能使美国经济陷入衰退(在线收听

Who is the current U.S. Treasury Secretary? Jack Lew, Steven Mnuchin, Mike Pompeo or Jerome Powell? Since 2017, Steven Mnuchin has served as the 77th Secretary of the Treasury.


With so many closures worldwide related to coronavirus, business in some areas has ground to a halt. And this has some economic analysts asking are we headed for a recession? That's a decrease in economic activity. It could last for months. It could last longer.


Yesterday on ABC's program "This Week", Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was asked if the U.S. is in a recession and he said he did not think so. He added that later this year, economic activity would pick up as the U.S. confronts the virus. But for the time being, some analysts are saying a recession caused by coronavirus is possible.

