英语听力:自然百科 The.First.Emperor 秦始皇 Part8(在线收听

Inside his own court, unseen enemies want to destroy him. 

The official history records Ying Zheng's coming of age at twenty years old as the defining moment.

The entire court has assembled in celebration, but not everyone's watching the show. The Queen has a new favorite, Marquis Lao Ai. In the eyes of the court, Lao Ai is a eunuch, which is an odd choice of companion for a woman with a history of important lovers. But Lao Ai is no eunuch. He has fathered two sons by the Queen, who they have raised in secret, and he intends to place one of them on the throne. But the King has his suspicions about his mother and her supposedly secret lover.

The state of Chin is not a safe place for anybody. The Queen has kept her young sons secret in the care of eunuchs she believes are loyal to her. But loyalties change quickly and the King has learned of their existence. 

Hello. Hi. "You are so heavy!"

Knowing it's only a matter of time before his plot to put the eldest boy on the throne is discovered, the Queen's lover Marquis Lao Ai makes a desperate bid for power. He has stolen Royal Seals, giving him the authority to mobilize troops. 

"So you think you’ll make a good King?"


The boys have just condemned themselves as a direct threat to the King.
