看绯闻女孩学英语 97(在线收听

Chuck: This is way too good.


Blair: Mom, how's Paris?

妈妈 巴黎怎么样

Chuck: You’re not going to believe where I found our little princess.


Blair: Really?


Chuck: Admit it. Even for me, this was good.

承认吧 公之于众吧 对你好 甚至对我都好

Blair: If you weren't such a perv, I'm sure the C.I.A. would hire you in a second.


Chuck: Defending my country--there's a future I never imagined.

保家卫国 我的这种的前景我可没设想过

Blair: With good reason.


What is she doing there?


Chuck: Well, what's anyone doing there?


It's a facility for the disturbed or addicted.


Blair: You must have your own wing.


Chuck: You don't get nearly enough credit for your wit.


So the question is——what do you do now?


Blair: Well, I was thinking...total social destruction.


Chuck: And here I thought you were getting soft. So this is your bed, huh?

我想现在陶醉了吧 这是你的床吗

Blair: Leaving now.

滚吧 快点

Chuck: You can repay me another time


1. This is way too good.

口语句子:This is way too good.(美国人就这么说,意思是“这太棒了”,小编认为就死记硬背吧。)

2. Mom, how's Paris?


3. You’re not going to believe where I found our little princess.

弦外之音:这句话使用了反语的手法:little princess是指“可爱的小公主”,这个小公主是指Serena,实际上是讽刺Serena,意思是“最让他们讨厌而且要攻击的人”。

4. Admit it. Even for me, this was good.

单词精学:admit意思是“坦白”,在这里可以理解为“向大家公之于众Serena的行为”。此外,admit作为这个意思,它的用法是:~ to sth/doing sth。例如:

He admitted having stolen the car. 他招认偷了那辆汽车。

George would never admit to being wrong. 乔治从不认错。

I admit that you have a point. 我承认你有理。

5. If you weren't such a perv, I'm sure the C.I.A. would hire you in a second.

俚语点拨:perv是指“性欲倒错者, 性欲反常者”。它是澳大利亚的俚语。

语法点拨:这个句子是非真实虚拟条件句。根据剧情,它是对现在情况的一种假设,假设Chuck品行好的话,就会有大出息,所以从句和主句都用一般过去时——weren't 和would。


6. Defending my country--there's a future I have never imagined.

语法点拨:defending my country是动名词短语做主语。I have never imagined是定语从句,修饰前面的先行词future,future在从句中做宾语,所以这里省略了关系代词,至于表示物体的关系代词有which和that,在这句话中都可以用。

单词精学:future在这里的意思是指“(一个人的)前景,前途,前程”,其英文解释为:the possibility of being successful or surviving at a later time。例如:

I gave up my job because there was no future in it. 我的工作没有前途, 所以我不干了。

She has a great future ahead of her. 她前程远大。

7. It's a facility for the disturbed or addicted.


The mother has been taking care of her emotionally disturbed child. 母亲照料着她的患有严重心理疾患的孩子。

He is no longer addicted to drugs. 他终于戒了毒了。

He's addicted to speed. 他使用安非他明已成瘾。

陷阱短语:A facility for的意思是“用来做......的设施”。表示“用于何种目的的设施”,facility后面一定是介词for。

8. You must have your own wing.

习语精解:wing是“翅膀”“翼”的意思,have one’s own wing字面意思是“有自己的翅膀”,比喻为“有自己的主见,有能力,有本事,聪明伶俐”等之意。

9. You don't get nearly enough credit for your wit.

短语点拨:get credit for是一个固定词组,意思是“因......而得到好评”。其中的get credit是“赢得名声”的意思。再如:

I get the credit for being a terrible old crank. 我背上了老古怪的坏名声。

The dishonest, if they act honestly, get no credit. 不老实的人,即使做了老实事,也得不到信任。

单词精学:wit是“智悟性,智慧,理解力,智力”的意思,其英文解释为:quick understanding; intelligence。再如:

He hadn't the wits/wit enough to realize the danger. 他悟性差, 没有意识到存在的危险。


10. Well, I was thinking...total social destruction.

弦外之音:social有社交的意思,destruction是“毁灭,破坏”的意思,social destruction直译为“社交的毁灭”,意译为“在社交方面给予致命的一击”。这句话道出了Blair要用Serena去她的弟弟目前的住处这一事件来公开恐怖,以“精神疾病”或者是“吸毒”等理由来攻击Serena,让Serena名声扫地,在贵族弟子中没有人和她来往。
