看绯闻女孩学英语 110(在线收听

Chuck: Found it. Piaget.

找到了 瑞士伯爵

Nate: Can't you just call it a watch?


Chuck: If it costs more than 10 grand, it earns a proper name.

它值1万美元呢 配得上这个有品的名字

Nate: How about this?


Chuck: Definitely that.


Babe Ruth’s called shot—the most famous homer he ever hit.

Babe Ruth管它叫击球 是他最出名的一记本垒打

Better safe than sorry. Here we go.

事先藏好总好过丢失了遗憾 好戏就要开场了

You've lived through ivy week.


And hopefully gained entry to the college of your choice.


Now let's ruin those chances.


Let me remind you of the rules——as of this moment.


There is no outside world that I do not show you.


You eat what i provide, practice what I preach,

你们吃我上的菜 践行我的训诫

and till I say so, the only girls you talk to are the ones I’ve paid for.

我同意的时候 你们才能和我付钱请来的姑娘们聊天

Yeah! Whoo-hoo! Let the lost weekend commence!

是的 唔 为逝去的周末狂欢

Party Guests: One, two, three, twins!

一 二 三 哥俩好

Chuck: Who brought the sasquatch?


Nate: Isn't that Carter Baizen?

那不是Carter Baizen吗

I haven't seen him since he was a senior and we were in the eighth grade.

他高三时我就没再见过他了 我们那时上八年级

He looks intense.


Chuck: Are you high? He looks like Matthew mcconaughey between movies.

你是不是嗑药了 他像极了Matthew Mcconaughey到处拍电影露脸

The guy's a loser.


Look, anyone who trades their trust fund for a fanny pack flies in the face of all.

听着 用信托基金交换一个旅行腰包 这种人就是公然违抗一切

That is holy to Chuck Bass.

Chuck Bass所珍视的一切,

Baizen: Nate Archibald, is that you?

Nate Archibald 是你吗?

Nate: Baizen, my man! I heard you went rogue!

Baizen 好哥们儿 听说你身无分文了啊

Baizen: And lived to tell about it.

为了跟你谈谈这事 我活下来了

Nate: Really?


Gossip girl: Seems like someone's itinerary didn't leave room for interlopers.


Doesn't Chuck know a party isn't a party until someone crashes?

难道Chuck不知道没有人砸场子的派对 谈不上真正的派对吗
