福克斯新闻 西蒙斯与特朗普总统绝交(在线收听

Russell Simmons said goodbye to his former friend President Trump, even though they have been friends for years.

The two cut ties after he compared the President to another famous reality TV personality. Saying, “I’d rather Kim Kardashian be President.” The two had a long history together, in fact, Simmons was with him on his first date with the First Lady.

Simmons telling the Daily News, “Well, you know, all of our friends have issues. I have issues.”

The the Rap mogul’s former company Rush Card was ordered by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to pay $10 million in restitution to customers as well as a $3 million fine after a technical glitch prevented customers from accessing their money.

Michelle Pollino, FOX News.

拉塞尔·西蒙斯(Russell Simmons)向他的前好友特朗普总统告别,尽管他们已经是多年的好友。



这位说唱大腕以前的公司Rush Card被消费者金融保护局下令向消费者赔偿1000万美元,同时缴纳300万美元的罚款,因为技术故障导致消费者拿不到他们的钱。

Michelle Pollino,福克斯新闻。
