2020年经济学人 英国新移民政策排除英国依赖的主要工作者(1)(在线收听





Who cares?


New immigration rules would exclude the key workers Britain relies on. “Care work isn’t just bum wiping,” insists Karolina Gerlich. In the 12 years since she swapped her native Poland for Britain, aged 18, she has learnt that it involves being a “PA, a nurse, a therapist, an occupational therapist, a dietician and a friend”. She now runs a charity supporting other carers, while working as one herself. Yet under post-Brexit immigration rules due to take effect in January, a similar applicant would be turned down for a visa, since the job is classed as low-skilled. “I feel disrespected, offended and like my contribution to the economy and to the country has not been recognised at all.”


The timing of the covid-19 pandemic puts Priti Patel, the hardline home secretary, in an awkward spot. Recognising that Britain’s vote to leave the EU in 2016 was in part down to a desire to curb immigration, she plans to end freedom of movement from the bloc and apply the same salary threshold (£25,600, or $31,200, for most) and skills requirement to prospective migrants wherever they come from. Yet many of the incomers such a policy would rule out—including care-home workers—are those classified by the government as the pandemic's “key workers”.

covid-19大流行爆发的时机让强硬的内政大臣Priti Patel陷入了一个尴尬的境地。认识到英国在2016年投票退出欧盟的部分原因是希望遏制移民,她计划解除欧盟公民流动自由,以及对来自任何地方的潜在移民适用同样的工资门槛(最多为25600英镑或31200美元)和技能要求。然而,这样一项政策将排除许多移民——包括家庭护理人员——那些被政府列为流行病“关键工作者”的人。
