英语听力:自然百科 冰冻星球 前往地球尽头(21)(在线收听

Serious produce server Neser Balwich directs from the front seat while aerial cameraman Mike Calen controls the camera attached to the lows. Above 10,000 feet, the pilot must breathe oxygen through a passed tool beneath the nostrils. Approaching the crater, conditions do not look good. Today, Alps is spurting out steam and gases making flying extremely risky. Up here, the air is so thin, the helicopter cannot hover and must keep moving. This is aerial filming at its most extreme. They struggle to get a clear view. The cameraman captures a rare shot of molten lava but it soon not looks good again. The volcano is temperamental. The team have to seek the rare opportunity to see into its molten heart. But now they must be sent to safety.


As the weather closes in the above, the cave team are making progress below. It's Christmas Day and the crew are dressed for their occasion. Just send on what my back... can snap top one off. Right, I'm stronger than this pillar of ice, man. If I ?screase pass is not snapping?. Gavin is reassured by the advice from the scientist. It fits perfectly, look that! Fortunately these crystals are made of frozen water and can grow back in weeks.

