
JUDY WOODRUFF: In the day's other news : New York City began a gradual reopening for up to 400,000 workers, after months of pandemic restrictions. At its peak, in April, COVID-19 killed more than 500 people a day in New York. The number now is in the single digits. Meanwhile, in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Health Organization warned that, globally, the pandemic is still getting worse.


DR. MARIA VAN KERKHOVE, World Health Organization: I know many of us would like this to be over, and I know many situations are seeing positive signs, but it is far from over. And we need to shore up our activities. We need to build up the activities and infrastructure that is not in place in many countries and continues to not be in place in many countries.


JUDY WOODRUFF: India, meanwhile, began reopening malls, hotels and places of worship, despite reporting nearly 10,000 new cases of COVID-19. But New Zealand announced that it has eradicated the virus. Wall Street extended its rally in to a fourth week today on optimism that the worst of the pandemic recession is over. The Dow Jones industrial average gained 461 points to close at 27572. The Nasdaq rose 110 points, and the SP 500 added 38. In Paris, work began today to clear 200 tons of melted scaffolding atop Notre Dame Cathedral. It had been installed for renovations before last year's disastrous fire. Crews were lowered into the wreckage today. They will work through the summer and dismantle 40,000 pieces of charred, twisted metal. And a tropical storm that came ashore Sunday along the U.S. Gulf Coast has weakened to a depression, dumping rain as it goes, flooding paralyzed parts of Mandeville, Louisiana today. Communities near New Orleans were also inundated, along with the region around Pass Christian, Mississippi. Still to come on the "News Hour": defunding police -- a major effort to reallocate funding to invest in communities; we discuss the massive protests and potential reforms with senator Cory Booker; despite the risks of COVID-19, the Postal Service and delivery workers continue to carry out critical duties; and much more.

朱迪·伍德乐夫:与此同时,尽管报告了近1万起新的新冠病毒病例,印度开始重新开放商场、酒店和礼拜场所。但新西兰方面宣布已经根除了这种病毒。由于乐观地认为由于新冠病毒导致衰退的最严重的时期已经过去,今天,华尔街的涨势延长到了第四周。道琼斯工业平均指数上涨461点,收于27572点。纳斯达克指数上涨110点,标普500指数上涨38点。在巴黎,今天开始清理圣母院顶上200吨融化的脚手架。在去年的灾难性火灾发生之前,它已经被安装用于翻新。今天维修人员被送至下面的废墟中。整个夏天他们都会忙个不停,要拆除40000块烧焦,扭曲的金属。周日登陆美国墨西哥湾沿岸的热带风暴已经减弱为低气压,途中倾盆大雨,淹没了路易斯安那州曼德维尔的部分地区。新奥尔良附近的社区也被淹没,以及密西西比州Pass Christian附近的地区。“新闻一小时”还在继续:取消对警察的拨款--这是重新分配资金用于社区投资的一项重大努力;我们与参议员科里·布克讨论了大规模抗议和潜在的改革;尽管有感染新冠病毒的风险,邮政部门和送货员还是继续履行重要的职责;以及更多的职责。
