福克斯新闻 博格达尔军士审判会继续进行(在线收听

 There's word from Fort Bragg that Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl's sentencing hearing will be continued on Wednesday and could go longer. At issue are comments made by President Trump just this month that the defense now says could influence the military judge's decision on sentencing.

Bergdahl's attorney wants the court to reconsider the defense's motion to dismiss the case.

Eben Brown, FOX News.

有来自Fort Bragg的消息称,对博格达尔军士的审判听证会将于周三继续进行,可能会持续更长时间。特朗普总统本月发表的评论可能会影响军方法官的判决结果。


Eben Brown为您报道福克斯新闻。
