福克斯新闻 朋友圈晒度假照 小心窃贼进家门(在线收听

A new study by UK insurance firm Aviva found most people do not like seeing friend's vacation pictures on social media. Out of 2,000 people surveyed, 73 percent said they find it annoying. The most irritating pose, was said to be the "hot dog" pose or photos of legs poolside or at the beach. 

英国保险公司Aviva最近研究发现,大多数人不喜欢在社交媒体上看到朋友的度假照片。 在接受调查的2000人中,有73%的人表示他们觉得这种做法很讨厌。据说,最为刺激他们的造型是“热狗腿”,也就是泳池照或者沙滩照。

While the majority of folks see time-off photos as a turn-off, 77 percent admitted they post vacation pictures themselves.


The study also notes sharing snaps while away could make you an easy target for potential burglars, revealing when you're not home.


I'm Krystin Goodwin, FOX News.


