新奇事件簿 零号身材模特饮食严重失调(在线收听

Many models have to get down to a very unhealthy weight to keep their modeling agency happy. A new study says agencies pressure models to be a size zero. If the model is not skinny enough, the agency will not give her jobs. The study is in the 'International Journal of Eating Disorders'. It is the largest ever report to look at eating disorders among professional models and why they have to lose so much weight to get work. Lead researcher Dr Rachel Roberts said it was the first study to investigate the link between unhealthy eating and pressure from modeling agencies. She said: "We now have…solid, scientific proof that eating disorders are a serious health problem in the modeling industry."

为了让经纪公司满意,许多模特把体重控制在非常不健康的水平。一项新的研究表示,经纪公司要求模特保持零号身材。如果模特不够苗条,经纪公司不会给她出场的机会。这项研究发表在《国际饮食失调杂志》上。这是有史以来研究职业模特饮食失调以及为何他们必须保持如此苗条才能得到工作的最大型的报告。首席研究人员Rachel Roberts表示,这是调查不健康饮食和来自模特经纪公司的压力之间关系的首例研究。她表示:“我们现在有可靠的,科学的证据表明饮食失调是模特行业非常严重的健康问题。”

Researchers questioned 85 professional female models over the age of 18. They discovered that 81% of them were underweight. Many of the models led a very unhealthy lifestyle to stay underweight so they could get work from their agencies. They skipped meals, stopped eating for days, used diet pills and made themselves throw up. Over half the models said their agency told them they would not get jobs unless they lost more weight. It is not against the law for agencies to do this. Eating disorders can lead to serious health problems, such as infertility, heart damage, weak bones, organ failure and even death. In addition, teenagers want bodies like the size-zero models, which leads to public health issues.

