新奇事件簿 光滑番茄酱瓶子帮助零浪费经济(在线收听

Have you ever been angry because the tomato ketchup wouldn't come out the bottle? Have you ever squeezed and squeezed the toothpaste tube but the last bit wouldn’t come out? Have you ever spent ages trying to scrape the last bits of jam from the sides of the jar? If the answer to these questions is 'yes,' you may be happy to know that a solution to your problems is coming. Scientists have invented a super-slippery surface that can be put on the inside of bottles, tubes, jars, tins and other containers. The slippery inside means anything will just slide out, like water. Every last drop of things like glue, paint and cosmetics will come out, leaving the container totally empty, and making you happier and richer.


Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the company LiquiGlide wanted to create something that would reduce waste and save us money. The technology's co-inventor, Dr David Smith, said every day, millions of litres of ketchup, sauces, paint, gels and creams get stuck to the sides of containers and are thrown away. He said: "The technology has the potential to significantly reduce waste and be a big part of the zero-waste economy." The LiquiGlide website says: "What the wheel was to transportation, LiquiGlide is to liquids - it changes the way liquids move….We want to revolutionize consumer packaging, reduce waste, and create efficiencies. We are motivated to save lives and improve the world."

来自麻省理工学院和LiquiGlide公司的科学家希望创造一种能够减少浪费,节约金钱的方法。该技术的联合发明者David Smith博士表示,每天都有数百万升的番茄酱,沙司,油漆,凝胶和奶油被困在容器内侧被丢掉。他说:“这种技术有可能极大地减少浪费,成为零浪费经济的重要组成部分。”LiquiGlide网站上写道:“像车轮对交通的重要性一样,LiquiGlide对液体也非常重要,它改变了液体的流动方式。我们想要实现消费者包装,减少浪费,创造效力的革命。我们有动力拯救生命,改造世界。”
