福克斯新闻 坎耶·韦斯特谈枪支暴力: 非法枪支才是问题所在(在线收听

Rapper and fashion designer Kanye West in the Oval Office wearing a Make America Great Again hat and defending his support for the President: "So when I said I like Trump... To like someone who's liberal, they'll say, 'Oh, but he's racist.' You think racism can control me?"

West said he and Hall of Fame running back, Jim Brown came to the White House to discuss ways to reduce violence in Chicago: "The problem is illegal guns. Illegal guns are the problem. Not not not legal guns. We have the right to bear arms."

West spoke about bringing manufacturing back to America, his opposition to the president's call for stop-and-frisk in Chicago and repealing the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery.

At the White House, Jon Decker, FOX News.


韦斯特说,他和名人堂负责幕后,吉姆·布朗则来到白宫讨论减少芝加哥暴力的方法: “问题是非法枪支。非法枪支才是问题的症结所在。不是什么合法的枪支。我们是有权携带武器的。”



