新奇事件簿 植物园拯救濒危植物(在线收听

Scientists say that many of the world's plants are in danger of dying out or becoming extinct. Dr Paul Smith from Botanic gardens Concervation Internacional said one in five of the world's plants is in danger of extinction. Botanic gardens contain about 100,000 species, including a third of all the world's endangered plants. Botanic gardens help to protect around 40 per cent of endangered species of plants. They contain many of the rarest plants. Dr Smith said: "This is the first time that we have carried out a global assessment to look at the wide range of plants grown, managed and conserved in botanic gardens. For the first time we know what we have and, perhaps more importantly, what is missing from botanic gardens."

科学家表示,世界上许多植物都面临灭绝的危险。来自国际植物园保护组织的科学家Paul Smith表示,世界上五分之一的植物即将灭绝。植物园中有大约10万种植物,包括世界上三分之一的濒危植物。植物园保护了世界上大约40%的濒危植物,其中包括许多最珍惜的植物。Smith博士表示:“这是我们首次进行全球性的评估,查看植物园中的植物生长,管理和保护情况。我们首次知道植物园中损失的东西。”

Researcher Dr Samuel Brockington said the world's botanic gardens were the best hope for saving the world's most endangered plants. He said: "Currently, an estimated one-fifth of plant diversity is under threat, yet there is no technical reason why any plant species should become extinct." Dr Brockington warned that if we do not protect endangered plants, people could have trouble finding food and fuel in the future. He said: "If we do not conserve our plant diversity, humanity will struggle to solve the global challenges of food and fuel security…and climate change." Most of the plants are in danger because of humans cutting down forests for farming and cities, and because of pests and climate change.

研究员Samuel Brockington表示,世界上的植物园是拯救全世界濒危植物的最佳希望。她表示:“目前,大约有五分之一的植物物种正面临威胁,然而,关于植物物种为什么会灭绝并没有学术方面的解释。”Brockington警告称,如果我们不保护濒危植物,人们将来寻找食物和燃料都会面临困难。她说:“如果我们不保护我们的植物多样性,人类解决粮食和燃料危机以及气候变化的全球挑战将更加困难。”由于人类为了耕种和城市化大肆砍伐森林,由于害虫和气候变化,大部分植物都面临危险。
