新奇事件簿 弗洛伊德·梅威瑟赢得拳击史上最贵的一战(在线收听

Floyd Mayweather has won what was billed as the fight of the century, and the richest fight in boxing history. Mayweather took home a staggering $100 million for defeating Conor McGregor in 10 rounds in Las Vegas on Saturday. Thousands of spectators paid tens of thousands of dollars for ringside seats. Millions more around the world tuned in on pay-per-view streaming sites. Boxing purists derided the fight as a circus event and a mismatch. It pitched Mayweather, one of the greatest fighters in boxing history, who had never been defeated or even knocked down, against McGregor - a mixed martial arts fighter in his first ever professional boxing match. But the hype surrounding it made it a huge spectacle.

弗洛伊德·梅威瑟(Floyd Mayweather)赢得了世纪之战,也是拳击历史上最昂贵的一战。周六,弗洛伊德·梅威瑟(Floyd Mayweather)在拉斯维加斯10轮击败了康纳·麦格雷戈(Conor McGregor)。数千名观众花费数万美元购买拳击场近处的看台。世界各地数百万人观看付费直播网站。拳击纯化论者嘲笑这场比赛是马戏,搭配失当。他们让拳击史上最伟大的选手,从来没有被击败的梅威瑟对战麦格雷戈,一名武术选手,这是他第一次参加职业拳击赛。但是天花乱坠的宣传广告使这次比赛成为奇观。

Mayweather, 40, entered the ring as the heavy favourite, even though he had retired two years ago. His boxing record was 49 wins (including 26 knockouts) and no defeats. McGregor, 29, is the reigning Ultimate Fighting Championship lightweight world champion. Mayweather's victory came early in the 10th round. The referee dived in to save McGregor from any more punishment from Mayweather's flurries of punches. Victory means Mayweather has 50 wins and no defeats, to edge ahead of the legendary Rocky Marciano, who retired with a 49-0 record. McGregor gave a gutsy and spirited performance, but in the end, Mayweather's vast experience and superior technique came through.

40岁的梅威瑟是最被看好的重量级选手,尽管他已经在两年前退役。他的拳击比赛记录是49胜(包括25次击倒对方),没有战败记录。29岁的麦格雷戈一直主宰着拳击比赛轻量级世界冠军。在第十轮刚开始的时候,梅威瑟获胜。裁判及时介入,防止麦格雷戈继续遭受梅威瑟疾风暴雨般的击打。这次获胜意味着梅威瑟连胜50次,没有战败记录,刚刚超过传奇般的洛奇·马西亚诺(Rocky Marciano),他的记录是连胜49次,没有战败记录。梅威瑟的比赛表现非常勇敢,充满激情。但是,最终,是他丰富的经验和无人能敌的技巧使他赢得胜利。
