新奇事件簿 为拯救企鹅智利制止采矿项目(在线收听

The government of Chile has rejected plans for a billion-dollar mining project because it would disrupt marine life. The area that was threatened with mining is home to 80 per cent of the world's Humboldt penguin. Other creatures that live in the waters include blue whales, fin whales and sea otters. A mining company called Andes Iron had wanted to extract millions of tons of iron and copper in the north of Chile. It also wanted to build a new port to facilitate the mining process. Chile's Environment Minister told reporters: "I firmly believe in development, but it cannot be at the cost of our environmental heritage or cause risk to health, or to unique ecological areas in the world."

为了避免危害海洋生物,智利政府拒绝了投资10亿美元的采矿项目。全世界80%的洪堡企鹅栖息在受到采矿业威胁的这个地区。这片水域中生活得其他动物包括蓝鲸,长须鲸和海獭。Andes Iron矿业公司想要在智利北部开采数百万吨铁和铜。这家公司还想建造新的港口,方便采矿。智利环保部长告诉记者:“我坚定地相信该项目会促进发展,但是不能以危害环境,对身体或整个世界独一无二的生态环境带来危险为代价。”

Chile's National Mining Society said the decision was bad news for mining and for the country. It said the mining project was essential for the economic development of the region and the country. The controversial mining project would have generated $2.5 billion in revenue. Government ministers said the mining company had not shown the full negative impact of the mining project on the local environment. It also questioned the project's finances. The Environmental Minister said: "There are deficiencies in basic information and insufficiencies in mitigation, compensation, and reparation measures, meaning we believe that the eventual impacts have not been properly taken care of."

