新奇事件簿 居住在快餐厅旁边有害健康(在线收听

New research in the USA says it is unhealthy to live in areas with lots of fast food restaurants. A study by the University of Michigan said people who live within walking distance of fast food restaurants have a 13 per cent higher chance of having a stroke. Lead researcher Dr. Lewis Morgenstern and his team analyzed the social status of the 1,247 people who had strokes in an area of Texas over a three-year period. The area was home to 262 fast food restaurants. The team compared the stroke victims’ social status with how close they lived to the restaurants. He concluded there was a strong relationship between the distance someone lived to fast food restaurants and their chances of having a stroke.

美国一项最新研究表示,居住在快餐厅密集的地区对健康不利。密歇根大学一项调查发现,居住在快餐厅步行距离范围内的人中风的几率高13%。首席研究员Lewis Morgenstern和他的团队在三年的时间内分析了得克萨斯一个地区1247名中风患者的社会地位。该地区有262家快餐厅。研究团队比对了中风患者的社会地位和他们距离快餐厅的范围。他得出结论,距离快餐厅的范围和患中风的几率之间存在密切关系。

A stroke is similar to a heart attack, except it attacks the brain. Strokes are among the biggest killers in the USA. Many are the result of unhealthy eating. A diet that has a large amount of fast food and other junk food increases the chances of having a stroke. Dr. Morgenstern’s research found that there could be up to 33 different fast food restaurants in an area. This puts people living nearby more at risk of a stroke. Dr. Morgenstern said he didn’t know whether it was the actual fast food that increased the risk of stroke. He said fast food restaurants are more common in poorer neighbourhoods where people are less educated and generally have unhealthier and more stressful lifestyles.

