新奇事件簿 遭暴力驱逐男子将起诉联合航空(在线收听

An American airline is in trouble for the way it treated one of its passengers. A passenger on a United Airlines flight was dragged out of his seat and pulled out of the aircraft along the floor of the airplane. The passenger, David Dao, was a 69-year-old doctor. Dr Dao became unconscious after security guards pulled him out of his seat. His face was covered in blood. He lost two front teeth and the security guards also broke his nose. The doctor paid for his seat but United Airlines ordered him to get off the plane because they wanted his seat for a flight attendant to sit down. The doctor explained he had to work the next day because he had many patients to see at his hospital. United staff didn't listen to him.

一家美国航空公司由于对待乘客的态度陷入麻烦。联合航空航班上一名乘客被拖着离开座位,然后从飞机的地板上一路被拖出去。这位乘客名为David Dao,是一名69岁的医生。保安人员把Dao医生从座位上拉开之后,他开始失去意识,面部充血。他失去了两颗牙齿,保安还打了他的鼻子。这位医生花钱买了机票,但是联合航空命令他下飞机,因为他们想把这个座位留给空乘人员。David Dao解释他第二天必须上班,因为医院有许多病人等着。联合航空根本不予理会。

Dr Dao is going to sue United Airlines for damages. Dao was born in Vietnam and escaped from the Vietnam War in 1975. His lawyer said being dragged off the United Airlines flight was a "more horrifying" experience than living through that war. Dr Dao's daughter said: "What happened to my dad should have never happened to any human being….We were horrified and shocked and sickened to…see what happened to him." A video of Dr Dao being dragged off the flight went viral on social media. Over 150,000 people have signed an online petition asking the United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz to resign. He said he would not resign. He also initially did not apologize and said Dr Dao was at fault for his injuries.

Dao医生将起诉联合航空,要求他们赔偿损失。Dao在越南出生,1975年逃离越南战争。他的律师表示,从联合航空的航班上被拖下去“比经历越南战争更可怕”。Dao的女儿说:“发生在我父亲身上的事原本是任何人都不应该遭遇的。看到他发生这样的事,我们非常害怕,非常震惊,非常不舒服。”Dao医生被拖下飞机的视频在社交媒体上疯传。超过15万人签署了在线请愿书,要求联合航空首席执行官奥斯卡·穆尼奥斯 (Oscar Munoz)辞职。他表示不会辞职。而且,最初他并没有道歉,坚持称David Dao受伤是他自己的过错。
