新奇事件簿 司机们都认为自己比其他人驾车技术好(在线收听

Canadian researchers have found that most drivers think they are better than others behind the wheel. The team from Ottawa University interviewed nearly 400 motorists of all ages. They all had to answer questions about what they thought of their own driving skills. The question topics included how they react in different driving conditions, including terrible weather and congested roads. They then had to rate the skills of others on the road. The results were very similar across all age ranges – almost all of those interviewed believed their driving ability was better than that of other drivers. Older drivers in the poll were more confident in their ability than younger ones. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, males had the most confidence in their ability to handle a car.


Lead researcher Sylvain Gagnon believes the attitudes found in his survey could be dangerous. Mr Gagnon said that although confidence can be a good thing, it often has dangerous consequences. He stated: “If you think that you are a better driver, then perhaps you start behaving differently behind the wheel and do not pay as much attention as you should. This might explain why young men tend to have more accidents on the roads than other drivers.” It is time for government road safety departments to start taking research such as this more seriously. Traffic accidents are a huge killer throughout the world. Very few drivers really think about how deadly their car can be in an accident. More regulation is needed as people buy more and more cars.

首席研究人员Sylvain Gagnon相信调查中发现的司机们的态度非常危险。Gagnon表示,尽管信心是好东西,然而也会产生危险的后果。他说:“如果你认为你是更好的司机,或许你驾车时的行为会特立独行,不付出应有的注意力。这或许可以解释为何年轻男性比其他司机更容易发生交通事故。”政府道路安全部门是时候严肃对待这样的研究了。道路事故在全世界都是一个大杀手。几乎没有司机意识到他们的汽车在交通事故中多么致命。随着越来越多人购买汽车,必须出台更多的管控措施。
