澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 男子因为ISIS研发武器被捕 澳科学家捕捉到恒星爆炸瞬间(在线收听

Hello, Rachel Pupazzoni with top stories on ABC News.


A 42-year old man has been charged with terrorism offences, suspected of helping Islamic State militants. AFP alleges Haisem Zahab was developing missile technology and high tech weaponry for the terror group. He was arrested at Young near Canberra after an 18 month investigation. Zahab will remain in custody ahead of a court appearance next week.


Australian woman Sara Connor has told a Bali court she is not responsible for the death of an Indonesian police officer. Connor and her British boyfriend stand accused of the murder of Wayan Sudarsa on a Kuta beach last August. Prosecutors are calling for an eight-year sentence for the Byron Bay mother.


Two senior Brothers 4 Life gang members have been found guilty of murdering a Sydney standover man. Mumtaz and Farhad Qaumi organised the fatal shooting of Joseph Antoun at his home in December 2013. The brothers will be sentenced in April.

两名Brothers 4 Life黑帮团伙的高级成员被判谋杀一名悉尼追债人的罪名成立。约瑟夫·安东于2013年12月在家中被枪杀,蒙塔兹·奎米和法哈德·奎米策划了这起致命枪击案。兄弟二人将在今年4月被判刑。

And Australian scientists have captured the exact moment a star exploded more than 12 billion years ago. The university of Western Australia's Zadko telescope recorded the event that created a black hole. It happened billions of years before the earth and sun even existed.


Those are the latest headlinges from ABC News.

