新奇事件簿 污垢对婴儿有益(在线收听

It seems like common sense to most parents to make sure their baby is always in a clean place. Most parents do their best to keep dirt and bacteria away from their little ones. However, a scientist says dirt is an important part of making babies stronger. Dr Jack Gilbert from the University of Chicago studies the ecosystems of bacteria. He did research into how dirt and bacteria affect children. He published his research in a book called 'Dirt is Good: The Advantage of Germs for Your Child’s Developing Immune System'. He told America's NPR news station that: "It's fine to wash their hands if there's a…flu virus going around, but if they're interacting with a dog and the dog licks their face, that's not a bad thing."

大部分父母都确保婴儿待在整洁干净的环境里,这似乎应该是常识。大部分父母尽最大努力让小家伙远离污垢和细菌。然而,一名科学家表示,污垢是让婴儿更加强壮的重要组成部分。来自芝加哥大学的Jack Gilbert研究了细菌的生态系统。他研究了污垢和细菌对儿童的影响。他的研究发表在一本书上,书名叫“污垢是有益的:细菌对儿童增强免疫系统的好处”。他告诉美国NPR新闻电视台:“如果流感盛行,勤洗手是好的,但是如果与狗狗接触,或者狗狗舔了孩子的脸,这并不是坏事。”

Dr Gilbert wrote that letting children get dirty was largely beneficial. Exposing small kids to dirt helps them to build their immune system. Dr Gilbert even argues that children often get allergies because parents try to protect their kids too much and try too hard to clean everything that children use. He said parents now over-sterilize everything in the home. This causes children's immune systems to too sensitive, which can lead to things like asthma, eczema, and food allergies. Gilbert even defended the "five-second rule". Many people think it is OK to eat something that fell on the floor for fewer than five seconds. Gilbert says it is OK to eat something that fell on the floor as long as the floor isn't really dirty.

