新奇事件簿 航空机械师工作75年打破历史记录(在线收听

An airline worker in the USA has broken the world record for the world's longest-serving airline mechanic. Azriel Blackman, 91, started work in 1942 at the age of 16. He has now been working for 75 years. His starting salary was 50 cents an hour. The nonagenarian still works five days a week. He clocks on before 5am at an American Airlines hangar at JFK International Airport in New York. His age means his employers prevent him from doing certain tasks for safety reasons. He is not allowed to scale ladders, drive on the runways and surrounding areas, or use certain tools. He is responsible for assessing the maintenance needs of the airplanes that have been parked in the hangars overnight.

美国一家航空公司工作人员成为世界上服役时间最长的航空机械师,打破了世界纪录。91岁的布莱克曼(Azriel Blackman)1942年年仅16岁的时候就开始工作。现在他已经工作了75年。他刚开始工作时的时薪只有50美分。这位90多岁的老人仍然每周工作五天。他在纽约肯尼迪国际机场美国航空公司一个车库工作,每天早上五点之前打卡上班。由于他年事已高,出于安全考虑,他的雇主们有些工作不让他做。现在他不准爬梯子,在跑道上和周围区域驾车,或者使用某些工具。他负责评估夜间停在飞机库的飞机的补给需求。

Mr Blackman's record has been recognized for his dedication to his job. His employer dedicated a plane in his honor at a ceremony at JFK. His signature was painted in giant letters on the front of one of the airline's Boeing 777 aircraft. Blackman said: "I'm just honored to be here. I'm proud to be a mechanic." The 91-year-old received a standing ovation from his fellow colleagues and managers at the ceremony. Reporters asked him about the secret behind his record. He said: "When you like what you do, it's not work." When asked about retirement, he said: "That's not up to me. That's up to the man upstairs. The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is I say 'thank you for another day'."

