新奇事件簿 2020年奥运会将增加男女混合项目(在线收听

There will be more mixed-gender events and more women at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said men and women would compete together in archery, athletics, judo, sailing, shooting, swimming, table tennis, and triathlon. There will be a 4x400m mixed relay in athletics and a 4x100m mixed relay in swimming. British Olympics swimming champion Adam Peaty told the BBC that having mixed events in Tokyo would make the Olympics "more fun". He said "It's something that would make things a little bit more fun….It's great to mix things up from what they've been for so long as it adds a little spice and mixed events are great to watch.

2020年东京奥运会上将增加更多男女混合项目,将有更多女性参赛。国际奥委会表示,在射箭、田径、柔道、帆船、射击、游泳、乒乓球和三项全能运动中,男女运动员将一起参赛。在田径比赛和游泳比赛中将增设4x400米混合接力。英国奥运会游泳冠军亚当·佩蒂(Adam Peaty)告诉BBC,东京奥运会增设混合项目将使奥运会更有趣。她说,“男女混合比赛可以让比赛更有趣。打破长久以来的陈规,给比赛增加了新的趣味,让比赛更有观看性。”

The IOC also announced that there would be more sports at the Tokyo Olympics. IOC president Thomas Bach said the Games will be "more youthful, more urban and include more women". Not everyone is happy with the introduction of the new events. Some people said it was wrong to include urban sports like skateboarding, 3-on-3 basketball, sport climbing and BMX freestyle. These are to try and get more young people to watch the Games. Having newer sports means there will be fewer athletes in more traditional events like weightlifting and wrestling. Tokyo will be the most gender-balanced Olympics ever. Women will make up 48.8 per cent of athletes who will compete at the Games.

国际奥委会宣布东京奥运会上将有更多比赛项目。国际奥委会主席巴赫(Thomas Bach)表示,比赛将“年轻化,都市化,将有更多女性。”并不是所有人都对新赛事的引入感到满意。一些人表示,增加滑板,3V3篮球,运动攀岩和特技单车等城市运动项目是错误的。这些项目是试图让更多年轻人观看奥运会比赛。增设新的比赛项目意味着举重和摔跤等传统赛事参赛运动员减少。东京奥运会将是有史以来性别最平衡的一届奥运会。参赛女性所占比例将达到48.8%。
