新奇事件簿 超强纳米芯片瞬间修复器官(在线收听

The medical world sees another example of science fiction coming true. Scientists have revealed a "breakthrough technology" that repaired cells and organs in mice and pigs with a 90 per cent success rate. Researchers at Ohio State University in the USA have developed a device barely a centimeter wide that is full of tiny microchips called nanochips. The new device is a pad that is placed on the skin. It initiates the process of repairing damaged organs and healing serious wounds. The nanochips "reprogramme" damaged cells to restore them to their functional state. Researcher Dr Chandan Sen said: "With this technology, we can convert skin cells into elements of any organ with just one touch."

医疗界见证了又一个科幻小说场景变成现实的案例。科学家披露了一项突破性的技术,可以修复老鼠和猪体内的受损细胞和器官,成功率高达90%。美国俄亥俄州立大学研究人员研制出一种设备,只有一厘米宽,里面布满名叫纳米芯片的微小芯片。这种新设备是放置在皮肤上的一个护垫,启动修复受损器官,治愈重伤的程序。纳米芯片重启受损细胞,使它们恢复到功能正常的状态。研究人员Chandan Sen博士表示:“有了这项技术,只需触摸一下,我们就可以把皮肤细胞转化成任何器官的组成部分。”

The new technology is called tissue nano-transfection (TNT). It is a non-invasive procedure, which means surgeons do not have to cut the body. It works by placing the pad of nanochips over a damaged area of the body. A small electric current then injects DNA into the skin's cells in less than a second. This transforms the cells into building blocks that then regenerate any nearby damaged tissue, such as skin, arteries, or even organs like the liver, lungs and heart. Researchers say it could replace the need for patients needing reconstructive surgery and revitalize organs that are prematurely aging. It could even help repair the brain. Testing will begin on humans next year.

