英语新闻听写 马斯克的火焰喷吐器大卖(在线收听) |
Elon Musk's tunnel-drilling company made millions over the weekend. 伊隆·马斯克的隧道钻探公司这个周末挣了数百万美元。 This by selling a product that has nothing to do with tunnels or drilling. 这是通过售卖与隧道或钻探沾不上边的一款产品。 On Saturday night, Musk announced pre-orders for the Boring Company Flamethrower. 周六晚上,马斯克宣布预售隧道钻探公司的火焰喷射器。 The $500 gimmick is really more of a flame-sputterer than a flamethrower. 这款售价500美元的玩意更像是火焰喷吐器而不是火焰喷射器。 Flamethrowers shoot out an ignited stream of flammable liquid. 火焰喷射器会喷出一道燃烧的液体。 It's used by agricultural workers, soldiers, and pyrotechnicians to ignite things that are several yards away. 农业工人、士兵和火焰技师用它来点燃若干码远的物体。 Musk's device shoots a much smaller flame, like a souped-up cigar lighter. 马斯克的设备喷出的火焰要小很多,就像是火力增强了的打火机。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yyxwtx/509230.html |