密歇根新闻广播 密歇根小说家处女作写伯祖母人生经历(在线收听


Anyone with even a passing knowledge of world history knows about the horrors that came out of the Nazi attempt to exterminate the Jews of Europe.

Some six million of Europe's Jews – 63% of Europe's Jewish population at the time – killed in the Holocaust.

Barbara Stark-Nemon's debut novel, Even in Darkness, is the true story of her great-aunt Klare Kohler and her experiences living through the Holocaust.

Kohler was the only one of her siblings to remain in Germany after the fall of the Nazi regime.

Stark-Nemon worked with deaf and language-disabled children for 30 years in Ann Arbor as a speech and language pathologist before deciding to write her first novel.

She says that she first considered writing a biography or a memoir, but felt that neither of those would have had the desired effect.

"I'm a reader and a fiction writer, and I love a novel's ability to transport us," she says. "I wanted the reader to be in the story. And for those reasons I decided to write it as a novel."
