新奇事件簿 将你带回童年的味道(在线收听

Scientists have found out why certain smells recall feelings of nostalgia and can recall distant memories. The scientists say an area of the brain is responsible for assigning memories to smells and for storing them for decades. The area can instantly recall the memories with great clarity years later if a person encounters the smell again. Christina Strauch, from the Ruhr University in Germany, said smells are stored in the olfactory brain. The word olfactory means anything related to the sense of smell. She said: "It is known that the piriform cortex is able to temporarily store olfactory memories. We wanted to know if that applies to long-term memories as well."

科学家发现了某种味道能够勾起你的怀旧之情并召回遥远记忆的原因。科学家表示大脑中的某个区域负责将记忆分配给不同的味道并储存下来。如果一个人再次闻到这种味道时,这片区域能够立即清楚地召回几年前的记忆。德国波鸿鲁尔大学的Christina Strauch表示,味道被储存在嗅脑中。‘Olfactory’一词指的是各种与嗅觉相关的事物。她说道:“大家都知道梨状皮质能够暂时储存嗅觉记忆。我们想知道它是否也适用于长期记忆。”

There are a multitude of scents that can transport us back to our childhood. Smells from cookies baking in the oven or the perfume of an elderly aunt can bring back surprising recollections of growing up. Professor Strauch said certain scents can take you away to another point in time. Strauch said some odours can make you wish you were actually back in a certain point of time, or make you want to escape. She said it depends on whether or not the smell has a positive or negative association. Aromatherapists partly depend on this for their patients. Smells can even encourage you to buy things in stores. Many stores introduce fragrances to shoppers to evoke nostalgic memories to buy things they loved years ago.

