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This is AP News Minute.


President Donald Trump and Joe Biden are both scrambling to decide how and where to deliver their convention acceptance speeches, a fresh sign of the ways the pandemic is upending the presidential campaign Trump said Wednesday he'll probably deliver his speech from the White House. The Biden campaign nor DNC officials offered details about how Biden might accept the nomination but did say he will not be going to Milwaukee where the convention was supposed to be held.


Defense Secretary Mark Esper says most people think the deadly explosion Tuesday in Lebanon that killed at least 100 people was an accident that contradicts President Donald Trump, who said American Generals told him it was likely caused by a bomb. Lebanese officials say a large stockpile of ammonium nitrate left over from a seizure exploded.


Virginia has rolled out a smartphone App to automatically notify people if they might have been exposed to the coronavirus. It's the first U.S. state to use new pandemic technology created by Apple and Google. The COVIDWISE App was available on the tech giants' app stores Wednesday.


The island of New Guinea has the highest plant diversity of any island in the world. That's according to botanists, who for the first time have listed all the plants on the Pacific island. The findings published today in the Journal "Nature" are a collaboration by 99 scientists from 56 different institutions.

